일요일, 7월 26, 2009

Story of 고조선

안녕^^ 나는 대한민국 출신의 김수연이라고해.

오늘은 지금의 대한민국이 있을 수 있게 된 우리 최초의 나라 '고조선'에 대해 이야기해줄게. 고조선은 하느님의 아들 환웅이 땅으로 내려와 인간으로 변하게 된 곰, 즉 웅녀와 결혼하여 낳은 아들 단군이 세운 나라야. 고조선은 신분이 엄격한 계급사회였고, 자연을 숭배한 나라였어. 이런 고조선의 역사가 단지 신화라고 기억되는데, 신화가 아니고 역사라는 분명한 증거가 나오기도 했어.

그렇다면 고조선의 역사는 어떨까? 전세계에서 약 70%차지하고 있는 우리나라의 고인돌. 그 고인돌은 고조선의 역사와 가장 연관이 깊다고해. 그 고인돌에는 별자리와 일치하는 고대의 천문도가 그려져있었어. 그 천문도는 기원전 3000년 경의 것으로 메소포타니아 문명의 바빌로니와 왕국의 천문도보다 1800년이나 먼저 만들어진것이라고해.

특히 만주일대에서 발견된 동양의 피라미드는 전세계를 깜짝놀라게하곤 했지. 그 피라미드 모양의 무덤들은 제작시기는 이집트 피라미드보다 2000년이나 빨랐고, 황하문명보다 1000년이나 앞섰어. 이 피라미드들은 고조선과 깊은 연관이 있을 것이라고 추정되고 있다고해. 나도 잘 모르던 사실이었지만 이제 관심을 갖고 더 자세히 알아보려구.

오늘은 고조선의 설명, 이렇게 마칠게^^ 다음에 봐.

토요일, 2월 21, 2009

Story of Korean etiquette

Korea is think much of the etiquette country.

So today , I will introduce about basic Korean etiquette.

Case 1) Meet adult

Then we have to bow with greeting.

It's like say "Hi" in other country.

But If I meet my friend , then just greeting.

We don't bow to friends.

Case 2) Give something to adult

If I have to give a paper to teacher,

then I have to use two hands.

+)If I give scissors to adult, then I should to hold edge.

And make adult can hold hilt.

Case 3) Take something from adult

If I have to take something from adult,

then I have to use two hands, and then say "Thanks"

It's like 'Case 2'

Case 4) Eating

We don't eat before older eat first.

If older start eating, then we can eat.

Case 5) Honorific language

We use honorific language to adults.

Case 6) Public facilities

We have to quite in the public facilities.

And use it carefully.

Because public facilities are not only mine.

Everybody use it.

Case 7) In the subway, bus

In the subway or the bus.

There are seat for the old and the weak people.

Young person can't sit there.

But if we are so tired and there are nobody, then we can sit there.

However , If the old and the weak people comes then we have to stand up.

+)In the subway and the bus we have to quite.

And If I should to speak by telephone, I have to speak quietly.
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월요일, 9월 29, 2008

Story of Dolsot Bibimbap

What is Dolsot Bibimbap?
Bibimbap is originated from Jeonju in Jeonna province but now its taste and flavor capture every tourist. Bibimbap is one of the popular Korean foods. Thus, it is served in a plane as a flight meal. Bibimbap is just mixing various kinds of vegetables, rice and seasoned beef. Dolsot bibimbap is slightly different from normal bibimbap because of the way to serve it. Usually, Dolsot bibimbap is served by setting with a Dolsot. Dolsot means a rice pot and it contains steamed crops such as rice, chestnut, bean, red bean and so on.

- Preparation Time : 1hour and 30 minutes

- Cooking Time : 1hour , serving size: 1 person

▷ Ingredients
- rice : 2 cups raw rice, 1 Cup glutinous rice, 1 Cup red bean, 1 Cup bean, 6 Ginkgo nuts, 2 chestnuts, 5 Cups water- boiled red pepper paste : 2Ts red pepper paste, 1 1/2 Ts soy sauce, 1Ts finely chopped garlic, 2Ts chopped leak, 1Ts sugar 2Ts sesame oil, 1Ts ground sesame
- 100g minced beef + 1ts soy sauce, 1Ts chopped leak, 1Ts crushed garlic, 1Ts sesame oil- 1/2 large carrot + 1ts salt, 1ts sesame oil
- 100g roots of Chinese bell flower or 100g sliced cucumber + 1Ts salt,1ts ground sesame,1ts sesame oil- 50g bean sprout + 1ts salt, 1Ts chopped leak, 1Ts crushed garlic, 1ts sesame oil, 1ts ground sesame- 3 Pyogo mushrooms + 1ts salt, 1ts sesame oil
2 leaves lettuce, 1 egg

▷ Preparation
1. Soak beans and red beans before cooking for 24 hours.
2. Rinse rice and glutinous rice. Soak them for 30 minutes.
3. Branch chestnuts and cut them in half.
4. Heat a frying pan over low heat and fry ginkgo nuts slightly. Then, scrub them for taking the shell off.
5. Knead roots of Chinese bell flower (or sliced cucumber) with salt. Rinse and drain well.
6. Slice carrot thinly.
7. Tail bean sprouts and throw it in boiling water for 10~15seconds. Drain and chill.
8. Refresh lettuce under cold running water. Slice

▷ Recipe
1. Before 30 minutes for cooking, drain the soaked rice and glutinous rice.
2. Place rice, glutinous rice, chestnuts, red beans, beans and ginkgo nuts in a rice pot with water.
3. Do not cover the pot and heat to high. When it is about to overflow, reduce heat to low.
4. When it is almost done (rice is translucent), heat highly again for 30 seconds and simmer uncovered 2 minutes.
5. Turn off the gas and cover the pot for 5 minutes. Uncover and stir slightly.
6. Heat a frying pan. Season meat with soy sauce, sesame oil, chopped leak, crushed garlic and pepper.
Cook beef over medium heat in a pan.
7. Mix roots of Chinese bell flower(or sliced cucumber), ground sesame and sesame oil. Then, cook in a pan.
8. Blend carrot, salt and sesame oil. Cook.
9. Cut Pyogo mushrooms into long thins. Add salt and sesame oil and cook.
10. Knead bean sprouts with salt, chopped leak, crushed garlic, sesame oil and ground sesame.
11. Prepare a sunny-side up egg.
12. Place red pepper paste with prepared spices in a pan. Heat until boiling.
13. Place rice in a bowl. Add cooked vegetables and beef on the rice.
14. Pour boiled red pepper paste in center of rice.
15. place egg on red pepper paste. Decorate rice with sliced lettuce.
16. Serve.

Story of Seoul

I'm living in Itaewon Seoul South Korea.
Today I will tell you about Korea's capital city, "Seoul"
First, Seoul is the capital of Korea and that's why we add "special city" next to "Seoul" when we write the name in Korean.
"Seoul" has 'Han river in the middle of its area, which runs from East to West.
In 'Han river', There are many facilities for rest. Such as swimming pool, bicycle lending facility.
So we can rest and play there.
Moreover there are revolve excursion boat, so we can explore beautiful 'Han river'.
In addition "Seoul" has very many historic sites. From 1934, Seoul has become the capital city.
In 1986 and 1988 Asia game and Olympic were held in Seoul. In 2002, World cup was held in Seoul too!
Seoul is and international big city.
Seoul's symbol flower is forsythia, the tree is gingko tree, the bird is magpie and character is traditional tiger.
This character is cute and friendly. The name is Wangbomi.
Now, I will tell you about some famous places you must visit.
First will be 'Gyungbok Palace' during the time of Choson's King and Queen lived there.
Choson is Korea's old name. Namdaemun and Dongdaemun markets whrere you can find many traditional things and the market are famous to foreigners.
Also, If you go to the 'National Museum of Korea', you can see very many historic cultural assets. And 'Nam mountain' is a good place to visit and it is near from my home. At night, 'N Seoul tower' is bright and beautiful. If you go up to the abservatory, you can explore the city of Seoul.
I live in Itaewon, 'Itaewon' is also famous to foreigners. In Itaewon market, there are many shops and restaurants. Of course many foreigners are living there. In Itaewon market, There you can find traditional things. As well as different fashions In 'Myeong-dong' you can find clothes and accessories. And there are many restrauratns as well.
In Seoul, there is 'Cheongwadae'(Office of the president, Republic of Korea)
In Han river's island, there is the National Assembly building. Whrere member of the National and president are doubting and doing political activities.
'Insadong' is also like Namdaemun or Myeong-dong. There are very many traditional things are sold thre.
If you come to our country, try to take 'Seoul City Tour Bus'. You can visit all of the famous places.
Is it fun about Seoul?

토요일, 9월 20, 2008

Story of Chuseok (Hankawi)

Chuseok is one of Korea’s most largely celebrated holidays. It is a time when families and friends gather to share food and enjoy their time together, giving thanks to their ancestors for the year’s bountiful harvests. This year, Korea’s representative traditional holiday of Chuseok falls on September 14th of the solar calendar. It will last three days, from September 13th to September 15th and marks a prime opportunity for foreign visitors to tour Korea’s cities and experience Korea’s culture while all the bustling crowds are away visiting family relatives. Let us look a little deeper in to what Chuseok represents for Koreans.

As one of Korea’s three major holidays, the other two being Seollal (New Year’s Day) and Dano (the 5th of the 5th month of the year according to the lunar calendar), Chuseok is also referred to as Hangawi, which means the very middle of August, or August 15th according to the lunar calendar. As an agrarian society throughout history, Hangawi was the day in which Koreans thanked the ancestors for the year’s harvest and shared their abundance with family and friends. Although the exact origin of Chuseok is unclear, Chuseok can be traced back to a religion related to the moon from ancient times. The sun was considered natural, but the full moon that came once a month to brighten the dark night was seen as a grateful presence. Therefore, festivities took place on the day of the largest full moon, on August 15th of the lunar calendar, and thus became, and is to this day, one of the most important days of celebration.

Chuseok Customs
On the morning of Chuseok Day, Songpyeon (type of Korean rice cake) and food prepared with the year’s fresh harvest are arranged to give thanks to ancestors through Charye (ancestor memorial service). After Charye, families visit their ancestors’ graves and engage in Beolcho, where weeds around the burial grounds are removed. As the night nears, families and friends enjoy the beautiful view of the full harvest moon and play folk games such as Ganggangsullae (Korean circle dance).

- Charye (ancestor memorial services)On Chuseok morning, family members gather at their homes to hold memorial services in the honor of their ancestors called Charye. Formal Charye services are held twice a year during Seollal (New Year’s Day) and Chuseok. The difference between the two services is that during Seollal the major representative food is white tteok-guk, a rice cake soup, while during Chuseok the major representative food is freshly harvested rice. After the service, the family members sit down together at the table to enjoy some delicious food to symbolize their blessings.

- Beolcho (removing weeds around the grave) and Seongmyo (visiting ancestral graves)Visiting ancestral graves during Chuseok is known as ‘Seongmyo’ and during this visit, family members usually cut the weeds that have grown around the graves in the summer season. Taking care of the ancestral graves such as removing weeds is called ‘Beolcho’. This custom is considered a duty and an expression of devotion. On the weekends, about one month prior to the Chuseok holidays, Korea’s highways become extremely congested with families visiting their ancestral graves to fulfill their ancestral duties.

- Ssireum (Korean wrestling)In the past, the strongest of the villagers gathered to hold wrestling competitions. The sport of wrestling on sand while being surrounded by spectators has become a traditional favorite in Korea. The last wrestler standing was considered the winner and was acknowledged as the villager’s strongest man and took home cotton, rice, or a calf as his prize. Today, Ssireum (Korean wrestling) competitions are still held as a folk competition, a one-on-one game to determine the strongest man in Korea.

- Ganggangsullae (Korean circle dance) Mothers and daughters dressed in hanbok (traditional Korean dress) gather around in a circle, holding hands, and sing together. This dance originated from the Joseon Dynasty during the Japanese invasion when the Korean army dressed Korean mothers and daughters in military uniforms and had them circle a mountain peak to make the Japanese think the Korean military was greater in number than it actually was. Through this strategy, the Koreans were eventually able to defeat the Japanese.

- Chuseokbim (Chuseok dress)Traditionally on Chuseok, the head of the household would buy new clothes for everyone, including the servants. This custom was known as Chuseokbim. Usually, a traditional hanbok is worn, but nowadays newly purchased clothes are not limited to hanbok. Today, families put on a modern type of hanbok called Chuseokbim and hold Charye services, and afterwards, they enjoy their time together.

월요일, 9월 15, 2008

Story of Taekwondo

There are many traditional culture in Korea.
Among the rest I will introduce about "Taekwondo"
Taekwondo is a martial art form and sport that that uses the hands and feet for attack and defense. The focus of Taekwondo is on training and disciplining the mind along with the body. For those learning the martial art it plays four different roles.

First, Taekwondo as an Exercise Taekwondo is a good exercise for children who are still growing as well as a good way for grown-ups to increase their physical endurance. Taekwondo's movements require extensive use of the joints, which increases the limberness of one's body. Since there is kicking, jabbing and shouting involved, it's also a great way to relieve stress and get a good workout.

Second, Taekwondo as a Bare Handed Martial Arts Form Taekwondo learners attack the opponent with their bare hands and feet. What sets this apart from other martial arts forms are the powerful and various leg movements involved, and that is what has enabled it to become a worldwide martial art. Taekwondo's attack is aggressive, but at the same time the focus is more on the defense aspect. This can act positively for those wanting to learn Taekwondo as a way of self defense for practical purpose even in modern times.

Third, Taekwondo as a Sport Taekwondo is an official competitive category in major world sporting events such as the Olympics, Panam Games, Asian Games, All American Games, and South American Games. Competitive Taekwondo involves safety gear and set attacks and defenses as to limit the amount of damage possible. This way, competitive martial artists can enjoy the thrill of competing with less risks.

Fourth, Taekwondo as an Educational Method Taekwondo trains the body, but does as much to develop the mind as well. The objective of learning Taekwondo is to foster growth in both areas in order to become a more mature human being. Taekwondo learners receive repeated etiquette lessons along with the attack and defense skills to build and strengthen their character.

The roots of Taekwondo belong to Taekkyeon, a traditional martial art form. In turn, the roots of Taekkyeon can be traced as far back as tribal times in Korea. Taekkyeon has been known under different names throughout the ages and found quick growth during the age of the three kingdoms (a period during the 4th to 7th century when the Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje kingdoms fought with each other for dominance of the Korean peninsula). Afterwards, Taekkyeon would see more development and evolution during the Goryeo era (AD918∼ 1392), a time in which those skilled in the military arts were much respected. During that time, Taekkyeon was used as a way to determine promotions in the army. But things changed with the arrival of the Joseon era (AD1392 ~ 1910), in which the sword began to be viewed as a lowly thing. As a result, Taekkyeon slowly receded into obscurity. Currently Taekwondo, a descendent of Taekkyeon, is loved as a world class sport as a result of the painstaking effort of many individuals.The reason why Taekwondo has been able to gain such success in modern times as a competitive sport (when compared to other Asian martial art forms) can be attributed to the fact that there has traditionally been a strong competitive aspect to Korean martial arts culture.Taekkyeon was enjoyed in past times at many folk festivals, a healthy competition between neighboring villages. There are records showing that men liked to place bets on the outcome Taekkyeon matches.The late Joseon era’s ‘Haedongjukji’ text provides the most accurate description of Takkyeon available from past records, and writes this about Takkyeon:“There is something called ‘Gaksul’ (an old name for Taekkyeon) in the old ways, where two opponents face each other and places kicks in order to fell the other. There are three levels to this. The least skilled man goes for the legs, and a good man kicks the shoulders. The best man can kick as high as the head. Our ancestors used this in order to gain revenge, and even to win a woman through a bet.”

Taekwondo awards levels and belts according to the level of mastery demonstrated by the student. Low levels are from Level 8 to Level 1, and high levels are from the lowest 1 ‘dan’ or 1 ‘pum’ to the highest 4 ‘dan’ or 4 ’pum’. ‘Dan’ and ‘pum’ signifies the same thing, but the term ‘pum’ is used for those 15 or under while the term ‘dan’ applies to anyone 16 or older. Each level has its own ‘Pumsae’, a predetermined set of movements that one can use to gain practice against an imaginary opponent. Different colored belts are awarded according to the level attained.